July 31, 2002

Give It A Whirl

More on the new music tip:

Have been listening to the new albums by Jason Loewenstein (of Sebadoh) and Silkworm. While both require a few more spins before I'm ready to put down some of my thoughts, I'm enjoying 'em so far. Kind of surprised by the goodness of the Loewenstein record actually, since I'd always preferred Lou Barlow's output in Sebadoh.

Today I put the entire Imperial Teen catalog on "shuffle" in my iPod on the way back from work today (I took the long way 'round), in preparation for the show tonight. The only drag is having to trek out to Hoboken, but hey, that's just the whiny Manhattanite talking.

Posted by nstop at July 31, 2002 09:08 PM


argh, loewenstein vs. barlow, flansburgh vs. linnell, francis vs. deal, argh.

I still like paul better than john. even though I know them's fightin' words no matter which way you turn the sentence.

speaking of older stuff, did you see emusic has all the non-released stuff from the famed pixies purple tape available for download? and to think I had hunted down a copy of that tape back in the day... might be good tho... I'm more of a listener than a collector, and I never play tapes anyway. might be time to exploit some foolish, money-laden ebay pixies fan. hm.

Posted by: martin on August 1, 2002 03:07 PM

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