History... the Coloring Book story

  Coloring Book was formed in fall of 1991, when Jon, in another band at the time, decided he wanted to concentrate more on his own music. So Jon started working on some songs, playing with his guitar(s) and his 4-track recorder in his NYC apartment. Jen, who had just moved to New York, one day was roped into singing scratch vocals on one track while Jon was working on his music. Then Jen helped Jon work on some of his songs, agreed to "really" sing, and Coloring Book was off and running.
[image: Jon and Jen on the Skyway]
self-portrait of the artist
  The "band" needed a few more musicians in order to flesh out their sound, so they enlisted the help of Hamish and his friend Tony to play drums and bass, respectively. The four went into James' studio and, with his assistance, recorded four songs throughout winter '91/'92. Songs recorded: "Sand In My Shoes," "Walking Distance," "Time To Grow," "Gull Cottage."  
  In spring of 1993, Jen and Jon moved to the Boston area, and their friend Chin-a released the record, a four-song 7" EP, on her newly-formed Queenie label. The record got a few good reviews, we sold a few, she sold a few, and that was the end of that for awhile.
[image: 7" single cover]
4-song 7" EP
  Over the next few years, Jen and Jon did very little, musically, performing a few times as Coloring Book, almost always aided by friend Stu on guitar.  
  First gig was March 1994 at Brownie's in NYC as part of NYU's Independent Music Festival. Jen sang, Jon and Stu played guitar, Leeann played flute. Number of songs played: five.  
  Next gig was May 1995 as part of the very first Tweefest (now Popfest) at the Westbeth Music Theater in NYC. Jen sang, Jon and Stu played guitar. Number of songs played: four.  
  October 1996: a somewhat tipsy Jen and Jon were goaded into taking the stage of the 13th Note in Glasgow, Scotland on open mike night to help end the aural torture of listening to a one-man, one-guitar Oasis cover band. Jen sang, Jon played guitar. Number of songs played: (thankfully only) two.
[image: Jen, Jon, Steven and Claire at the 13th Note]
at the 13th Note, flanked by
instigators Clare and Steven
  Near the end of 1996 Jen and Jon moved back to New York and started to get their act together by going up to Providence, Rhode Island to record two new songs at Dave Auchenbach's Pain & Pleasure studio. Jen and Jon did their thing, and friends Carl and Dave played bass and drums, respectively. Songs recorded: "Forget-Me-Not" and "You're So Cool," a Cyclones cover. The former ended up on the Popfest '97 compilation tape, the latter is slated to appear any week now on the French Cowly Owl! label's cassette comp.  
  Speaking of the Popfest... In January 1997 Coloring Book performed at Fez as part of the NYC weekend of the bi-coastal two-weekend Popfest '97 event. Jen alternately sang and drummed, Jon and Stu played guitar, and Dan drummed on one song. Number of songs played: five.
[image: Fez ad from The Village Voice]
Friday lineup
  On April 3rd the live band (Jen/Jon/Stu) again played, this time as part of NYU's Independent Music Fest. Luna Lounge's concrete walls were ringing as the "shy zine editor types" (so sez Time Out New York) of the Poconos, Coloring Book, then Mad Planets took the stage.  
  Since our former label is now defunct, we are currently looking for a label to release our next single. If you are a label and may be interested in releasing our next record, please get in touch and we'll send you a copy of our demo tape.  
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