Since I’ve spent over five years doing my weekly radio show, I figured it was time to share a peek behind the curtain of how I find new music and how I determine what to play. Hence: A new, dual mini-zine!
The How to Discover Music side has a fictional musical discovery story lightly mirroring my own, plus some tips to help you level up.
The Figuring Out What the Heck To Play side delves into the qualities I’m seeking every time I cue up a new tune, both from a taste and programming practicality perspective.
Get a print copy with free PDF for only $5 postpaid in the USA and, through the end of July, just $6 postpaid for UK readers. (Note: I will be mailing UK copies out from Glasgow in early August.) Also available internationally (postage prices vary by country).
One other way to get a zine? Find me at a show! I’ll be toting copies with me to gigs here in Seattle and beyond. Just come over to say “hi” and I’ll hand you a free copy.